布達佩斯技術與經濟大學博士研究生Csenge Andrea Molnár和Dalma Nagy來我校交流訪問


  應我校ag真人百家家乐平台機械結構力學及控制國家重點實驗室王在華教授的邀請,匈牙利布達佩斯技術與經濟大學應用力學系博士研究生Csenge Andrea Molnár Dalma Nagy2019913日至27日來我校交流,并于2019923日下午分别作了學術報告。王在華教授主持了報告會。

  Csenge Andrea Molnár作了題為“Modeling of human balancing on rolling balance board considering reaction time的學術報。報告中介紹了在滾動平衡闆的動力學建模與控制等方面的最新研究進展,包含數值模拟,穩定性分析,和反應時滞測量等多方面的内容。

  Dalma Nagy作了題為“Experimental estimation of tactile reaction delay during stick balancing using cepstral analysis的學術報告。報告中介紹了觸覺反應時滞的實驗設計和計算方法,重點介紹了利用倒譜(反譜)分析方法估計加速度信号中的時滞。


 本次訪問由中國-匈牙利政府間科技交流合作委員會項目資助。訪問期間,Csenge Andrea MolnárDalma Nagy與王在華教授課題組和胡海岩教授課題組的師生,就科研,學習,生活等多個方面進行了良好的交流,增進了了解,對培養我校學生的英語交流能力和學術國際視野具有促進作用。


 Csenge Andrea Molnár has earned her BSc and MSc degree in mechanical engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. She is currently a PhD student at the Department of Applied Mechanics. Her research field is the examination of human balancing on balance board, which involves numerical simulation, stability analysis, and measurements.

     Dalma Nagy is a PhD student of the Department of Applied Mechanics of Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Her research topic is "Modeling and experimental investigation of human motion control in balancing tasks". The topic involves mathematical modelling of human balancing tasks and carrying out measurements in order to better understand the neural mechanisms behind balancing.
