報告題目:Exploiting nonlinearity in engineering: Theory, methods and applications
報告人:Dr.Xingjian Jing (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Nonlinear analysis and design is a hot topic in the area. Employing nonlinearity in engineering applications is an even more challenging but very promising topic in the literature. Nonlinearity can be employed in various vibration control, energy harvesting and structure health monitoring for achieving advantageous performance. This talk will give a brief introduction of a theory for nonlinear analysis and design, then talk about a bio-inspired anti-vibration structure and various applications in passive vibration control, energy harvesting systems, fault detection and diagnosis and robotics etc, recently developed in HK PolyU.
Xingjian Jing,博士,香港理工大學機械工程系副教授。分别獲浙江大學學士(1998)、中科院自動化所碩士(2001)和博士學位(2005),英國Sheffield大學博士(2008)。主要研究領域:非線性系統分析、��、信��理、辨�及其在振�控制、能量�集、故障��、�器人等方面的�用。任國際知名雜志IEEE/ASME Trans Mechatronics和Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing的副主編。曾獲得中科院劉永齡獎,中科院院長優秀獎,EPSRC-Hutchison Whampoa Dorothy Hodgkin Award,Highest International Consultancy Award,2016 IEEE SMC best transaction paper award ,2017 美�TechConnect全球技��新�,2017�洲���力���Senior Research Prize,和2017香港建����建�技��新一等�等。研究工作得到香港 RGC,國家自然基金,中海油技術服務有限公司,中國航天技術研究院,中�航天控股公司,Lord公司及其它香港�州和��公司的資助。